Wedding Wednesday: Beautifully Blue Day

After leaving the restaurant in downtown Manteo where we took the wedding shots I posted last Wednesday,  we drove just a couple blocks and got out near the water.  It was such a beautifully blue day, a perfect setting for a certain bride and her certain husband. I must say it’s a good thing that the Public Display of Affection Police were not afoot because there was plenty of affection being publicly displayed!   Here are some shots Sarah took.  I love her perspective. Sarah also took a few near one of the restaurants we visited that I forgot to post last week. Meagan is already learning that one of the perils of being a Smith Kid is that Mama Smith is likely to pull out a camera at any given moment.  Of course, in this particular case, I was actually invited to pull out my camera. And nothing makes me happier! And lastly, my favorite shot from that location. See you next week for another Wedding Wednesday.