It’s A . . .

February 4, 2015

Last night, Meagan posted this photo on Facebook.


Underneath it she wrote, “Off to a gender reveal for our baby!”

Except this was not just any ol’ gender reveal.  Meagan and Nathan had arranged for a friend of theirs (who works at their doctor’s office) to find out the gender of the baby after Meagan’s ultra sound. Then this friend went and bought silly string in the appropriate color for Nathan and Meagan and covered the color of the cans with paper.

At 5:30; the whole family gathered and Nathan and Meagan were given their cans. They were about to find out (right along with everyone else)  if the new Smith was a boy or a girl. They Skyped us while they were doing it so we could have a front row seat on the reveal.

I took a video of our computer screen while everything was going on; it’s not a real big picture but you can still get an idea of the all the excitement . . . and also you can get the Big Answer to the Big Question!  (The baby is due mid June, by the way.)

In addition to the verbal enthusiasm of the gathered Hawley clan, you can also hear the three of us hollering and making merry in the background when the news was announced. (Well, actually, Steve did most of the hollering; Sarah and I made merry in our own very quiet and very happy way.)

I’ve had some trouble with the link; see if this one works.

 (There is also a video Meagan posted on FB that I may try to add later if I can get it to work.)

Happy, happy day!

55 comments so far.

55 responses to “It’s A . . .”

  1. Lorrie K. says:

    What a fun way to fine out the gender!! Thank you for sharing the video. BIG congratulations!!! hugs, Lorrie

  2. Lizz says:

    YAY!!!!! The only thing better than pink is PURPLE! Haha. Pink goes great with purple though.

  3. Ann Martin says:

    Worked for me. Congrats to all. A son and a daughter just like you and Steve. Praying for healthy baby and Mama.

  4. Tammy says:

    Oh I am so excited for all of you!

  5. Linda in Pgh says:

    Congrarulariins to you all! A sweet baby girl to love, cherish and, oh yeah, spoil a bit! She will be a lucky little lady lovingly welcomed into an awesome family! Wishing you all the best.
    Linda in Pittsburgh

  6. Diane P. says:

    Congratulations! Much more fun waiting to see what these test results brought than waiting for test results a few weeks ago. Now will be exciting to wait for name!!!!

  7. Suzanne says:

    Yay! Congratulations to ALL the Smiths!

  8. Gayle in AL says:

    That’s wonderful! Congratulations to all!!

  9. Kristina says:

    That. Was. ADORABLE!
    How cute! What a great way to make everyone a part of the announcement.

    • Kristina says:

      The first thing I noticed when the video started playing was that both Nathan and Meagan were wearing blue… I was hoping for pink silly string because blue would blend in too much. Love how I focus on the really important details of any given situation… 😉

      • Becky says:


        I had to laugh because that’s exactly what I would do–and you had a very good point. We just really needed that silly string to be pink! 🙂

  10. Judy says:

    CONGRATULATIONS! I’ll bet everyone is thrilled.
    Just loved your reflection in the computer screen.

  11. Sharyn McDonald says:

    Congrats to Megan and Nathan – wow, they’re going to have a million dollar family (that’s what I was told when I had a boy and girl). Congrats to you, Steven and Sarah – another one to spoil and buy all sorts of (this time) beautiful girly clothes.

  12. Angela says:

    How wonderfully sweet! A granddaughter/niece for you and Aunt Sarah to spoil!

  13. Jojy Smith says:


  14. Phyllis says:

    A granddaughter! How special, I see lots of pink in your future.

  15. Catherine says:

    Worked here! Congrats Smiths!!

  16. Wendy says:

    Congratulations! How exciting!

  17. angelinaballerin says:

    So happy for you!!

  18. Mrs. Pam says:

    that’s got to be the cleverest way to find out that Noah will have a lil sister!
    What fun! know you are thrilled to have a sweet granddaughter and niece!

  19. Guerrina says:

    YAY! A GIRL!!!! Congratulations to all! Took my cue from the maniacal jumping by Meagan than by the color of the string!

  20. Joleen says:

    How fun! Congratulations to you all!

  21. Jodi says:

    How exciting! That was my guess actually! The only reason why is that Meghan seems to be carrying a bit differently this time around! Or maybe because I had a 50/50 chance of guessing correctly! Congrats, MegaNoNate! Isn’t this the first Hawley (I know it’s the first Smith) Girl Grand? Tnx for sharing the happy & exciting news! <3, Jodi

    • Becky says:


      Love the MegaNoNate! Meagan’s sister, Joy, had a boy and a girl and they are pregnant again; in fact, they’re due just a few weeks after Nathan and Meagan.

  22. Mel says:

    Yay – Congratulations. I am sure that Noah will be brought up to be that amazing big brother to his new baby sister just as his dad was.

  23. Mary H says:

    OH BOY, OH BOY, OH BOY…..IT’S A GIRL!!!!!! How fun is that! Loved the video.

  24. sheri says:

    Congratulations to US!

  25. Jan Reuther says:

    Tears of joy for you all. Congratulations! Now they’ll have the same family dynamic as you: a wonderful big brother to oversee his little sister. 🙂

  26. Liz says:

    Thanks for fixing the video and congratulations on the exciting news that the baby is a girl.

  27. Shannon says:

    Congratulations – I can see the video, but can’t tell what color the silly string is??

  28. Congratulations to all of you! What a blessing!

  29. Steve says:

    Wahoo! Video worked for me.

  30. Shawn says:

    I am so happy for you all. That was a great way of finding out.

  31. Jenna Hoff says:

    Hooray!!!! That is THE most creative and delightful baby gender reveal I’ve ever seen! And you know what else is cool? I don’t know if you noticed Becky, but on the video right as everyone is celebrating, you can see your face (and thus your own joyous reaction to the news) reflected on your computer screen.

  32. DeLynn says:

    So happy for you all!!

  33. LeeAnne says:

    The link worked just fine and I am so excited for everyone!! Congratulations!!! What a cute way to find out and announce the gender. 🙂

  34. Robyn says:

    It worked for me too. Congrats to all and very cute reveal.

  35. Donna says:

    The updated link that you have now is working for me. I was able to see the video! Congratulations!!

  36. Cindy from Sonoma says:

    I worked! Congratulations, I am so excited for the Smith family!

  37. Got it now! Yay and congratulations!

  38. Sue Haddox says:

    When I click on “here” it takes me to my YouTube page and the videos I’ve posted.

  39. The video won’t work for me either. It brings me to my own “upload vidoes” YouTube page.

  40. Liz says:

    Guess we will have to wait a bit longer to find out the big news! “here” doesn’t work – just says no video found. ):

  41. Cindy from Sonoma says:

    It didn’t work for me either Becky.

  42. the video doesn’t work 🙁

  43. Becky says:

    Tammy, Did you click on the word “here?” There was a FB link at the very bottom which didn’t work; I deleted that but the “here” link should work.

    Let me know if you can see it!

  44. Tammy says:

    I can’t see the video! It says it’s no longer available. I can’t wait to hear! I’m so excited for you guys!!

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