Subject D. Subject S. Subject P.

October 31, 2016

Yesterday I was lurking outside a certain convenience store in a certain small southern town in my role as Subject Photographer (AKA Subject P).

In the process, it came to my  Very Alert Attention that an object of my concentration, Subject S (for Sarah) was being followed out of the store by another object of my concentration, Subject D (for Dad).


I sat up straight (in order to take a more serious note of the proceedings) and immediately discerned that Subject D seemed inordinately interested in engaging Subject S in conversation.


 In fact, he did not appear at all willing to allow his concerted conversation-making efforts to wane.


He also seemed to, um, want to give Subject S  . . . a kiss on the cheek?


And what was the most alarming thing was that Subject S was not choosing to use any of the self-defense techniques she’s been taught.  In fact, she was even smiling?


Subject D and Subject S engaged in a further moment of important conversation . . .


and then Subject D gave Subject S a farewell pat on the back as she walked away.


It was at this crucial juncture that Subject S appeared to have discovered that Subject P was lurking in the distance, at which point Subject P attempted to scrunch down lower in the seat.  It didn’t work.


It seemed as though Subject D had no clue about the skulking around of Subject P, even as Subject S stayed in the Fully Aware and Alert Mode of Subject P’s Lurkingness. (Mostly due to her long history of dealing with the constant presence of Subject P in her life.)


Subject D and Subject S each headed in their own directions at which point . . .


Subject P, forgetting her need for secretive lurkiness, shrieked, “Wait! What??! Why is Subject S headed in the opposite direction of the vehicle of Subject D and Subject P?”  

Did Subjects D and P somehow neglect to mention to Subject S that she is NOT allowed to get into her own car and drive away far, far away in a totally opposite direction from the vehciles and the persons of the aforementioned Subjects D and P?


Sigh. It would seem we overlooked that little point.

Just another little pesky reminder that formerly little children do grow up and go off to do their own thing. In their own cars.  In completely opposite directions.

And speaking of doing our own things, Steve and I (and Sarah, on a somewhat separate basis) have all been traveling over the weekend. While Sarah is back at school, Steve and I will continue our travels today and tomorrow.  

I’ll fill you in soon on the details on the Traveling Sagas of Subjects D, S, and P.


10 comments so far.

10 responses to “Subject D. Subject S. Subject P.”

  1. Lesley says:

    Very well presented! Cute!

  2. Jan Reuther says:

    My habit is to read blogs first thing every morning; lately that means 4:30 a.m. or so. I read them while I drink my coffee, which means that my brain is not fully functioning. (That sounds like it’s fully functioning later in the day, doesn’t it? Tricky, huh?) But, not to whine or complain, but all those letters and subjects are a tad hard for this non-fully-functional-but-hopeful-for-some-smarts-later-in-the-day brain. And I realize I should just read this later in the day, but… habit.

    But, in your usual perky fashion, you’ve made whatever happened there sound interesting, and your ending made me anticipate (with relish) your next post.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, some of my blog posts definitely need to be read in a post-caffeinated state and that post was definitely one of them!

  3. Ann Martin says:

    Cute pictures and blog story. Waiting to hear about Summer. She has been quiet lately. Enjoy your travels.

    • Becky says:


      Summer is definitely our Quiet Lady, not half as verbose as Snowy was! She is sitting happily beside me while I type and says to tell you hello!

  4. dmantik says:

    Cute! 🙂

  5. Jenna HOFF says:

    Have fun travelling ! Enjoy your adventure ! 🙂

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